Life in Macau

Life in Macau

On the one hand I’m overjoyed to be here, on the other hand I’m desperately unhappy.

Just why?

It’s 24° and some rain, so there’s a lot of humidity. At least it’s better than extremely expensive heating. Eva looks after me very warmly and so do her parents and aunt.

I am unhappy because I am lacking personal success. Like the last few months in Germany, I’m trying to make money online, but I’m just going astray. I don’t understand why it doesn’t work, but I think I have to completely re-set everything up. It can only be my fault if it works for others. It’s depressing.

Giving up is definitely not an option. I should get a good night’s sleep and then get to work. I know it works.

I’ve been on the road since November, what have I accomplished? Nothing, or nothing significant. Not earned a cent, just expenses.

I had the chance to really cash in on one event, and what happened? I totally blew it. Just invested, tinkered, placed nice advertising and sold it… obviously via the wrong link. At least it shouldn’t be comprehensible, which surprised and really put me off.

I should continue to build catalogs and then fuel them so that many people come and possibly buy something or get something as a gift.

I couldn’t even get my own blog right.

I’m looking for a tool that allows me to easily host images and galleries in GDrive and play them back on WordPress. I bought something there, but it was pointless, so I wasted some money again. The advertising looked different than what the product ultimately did.

And one more thing, I should focus on one project and not do a lot of construction work on the side. That won’t work.

Then there are the crazy things in the world that distract you.

Every now and then there are a few good sayings that are not entirely without their own, like the one here on the left.

I read and watch a lot on all fronts, look at both sides and think about my part – everyone should do it for themselves anyway.

As long as my eyes remained open, I read something from other marketers, but they didn’t tell me much new, but rather proved me right in what I had learned. I should just implement it.
One of the really big ones also described how he was at that point himself and had just wasted money without actually earning anything. And he described what he did to change it. Now he’s a multi-millionaire several times over… – yes, that should be the goal.

I would need most of the millions here to build our own home. Here in Macau you can’t avoid thinking of millions because there’s nothing to be had underneath. I haven’t decided yet which I would prefer…

a beautiful penthouse on the 40th floor, with views over the city and the sea…
or an apartment somewhere in the city, but if possible with a roof terrace
A single-family home – where we are already tight. There are some here but probably not really at an affordable rate.
I would also be interested in a historic building like this that needs to be completely expanded and where you can really let off steam…

…yes, every wish screams for the millions that I don’t have or can’t even begin to earn.

Isn’t there the possibility of introducing my house from Radeburg here? That would be a cool thing, unique in Asia and a miracle… hahahaha, whoever believes it.



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